His Eyes, Not Yours

“Enough? How am I enough? These blemishes on my face… my attitude, my mistakes… My, my, my, my!” How about His, His, His, His? You see, when we seek God’s perspective instead of our own, we can see our TRUE selves: our loved, valuable, strong, and fearless selves. But hold up! Doesn't it make sense that we love ourselves? Why don’t you? We often say “Why should I?” instead of “Why can’t I?”

Well, life can be rough. This includes rough people, rough circumstances, rough thoughts, and a rough enemy. When these “rough” factors partner up in our lives and attack us, they can lead to lower self-esteem, reduction in faith and trust in God, and make you think you are less capable and equipped than you already are as a son or daughter of God. But what are these factors to God? Can people, circumstances, thoughts, or even the enemy throw Him off guard? Surely not! Are they intimidating to Him? Nope! Even a tiny bit? Not a chance!

That had to have been David’s thought process when he faced the giant Goliath. David, a teen at the time, was bold enough to face a big dude like that! Of course, this is unusual. He did not have any superpowers. He didn’t have an elaborate, strategic plan laid out, nor was he given one. But he did have God, and most importantly God’s mindset. It is easy to have a relationship with God but get caught up in all your thoughts and fears, totally neglecting what He already knows (about your situation, about that person you’re praying for, about you).

David had so much faith to view Goliath as a feeble thing and himself as someone God could use to take him down. He believed that defeating Goliath was a small task because he knew it was nothing for God. Most especially, he was confident that he was worthy of defeating Goliath because God saw him that way and God was with him. I know it is easier said than done, but we have to believe in God’s view of us and of our circumstances. Only then will we believe that He sees us as worthy of what He is calling us to. Only then will we be able to face our own “Goliaths”, or obstacles, (insecurity, strongholds, idols, etc.) and defeat them because we have faith that God is with us to help us overcome.

Next time you ask yourself, “Am I enough?” or hear the enemy whisper, “You’re not enough. You’ll NEVER be enough.” Remember how God, your Maker, views you. Remember what He’s declared about you. Remember that He decides who you are and what you are capable of. You are enough.

Verse: Ephesians 1:4-5 NLT, 1 Samuel 17 (open your Bible to read the story)

“Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 1:4-5 NLT)


We Can’t Do It On Our Own