New Who?

The term everyone uses for setting goals for the New Year is "New Year's resolutions". This term has been used for so long that it is easy to ignore the word choice. The word "resolution" means a firm decision to do or not to do something. That sounds like a painful definition; almost like you are forcing yourself into new habits and intending to pick them up quickly. Some advertisements and commercials even bombard us with these toxic notions to promote their products and services. For instance, they also push the false and unrealistic belief that New Year's goal setting is all about becoming a totally different, idealistic version of the not-so-good you. Now, I am sure you already set your goals and plans for the New Year, but just consider this: Why did you set them? How will they benefit you now and in the long run? Does God approve? Checking the motivations and benefits behind the goals you've set, and prayer, will help you determine whether you’ve set a toxic goal or a healthy goal. In addition, how does your goal make you feel about yourself? If you feel you have to change, why? Is it to add on to the amazing, gifted, and valuable person you already are, or to make yourself feel that you are worth something because you feel like you're no good? I hope this changes the way you view the New Year, goals, and yourself in the best way possible. Another thing to remember is that not all goals are achieved overnight, over the week, or even over a month. Just like life, goals are a process — they take time to achieve because it takes time to change your habits and allow your mind to adjust to those habits. Who you become during the process of achieving your goal (in terms of perspective, attitude, character, etc.) matters most and if your goal is acceptable to God, He will help you and grow you. Happy New Year!

Verses: Proverbs 16:3 NLT, 2 Chronicles 15:7 NLT

"Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” (Proverbs 16:3 NLT)

“But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded.” (2 Chronicles 15:7 NLT)


Let Out The Real You


Driving Doubt