Driving Doubt

It's funny how the voice of doubt can cause you to doubt after firmly believing something over time. Not to call my mom out, but my mom drives a little faster on the road (safely of course). I am used to how she drives and can even take a nice long nap in the passenger’s seat as she’s driving. However, when my mom is driving and my dad is in the passenger's seat, he gets super nervous! His anxiety then causes me to get anxious as he doubts my mom's skillful driving, though I am normally comfortable with how she drives. It's similar when it comes to trusting God. You can be certain and take comfort in God's existence, love, and character, but when the enemy comes and feeds you doubt, you wonder, "Is God ACTUALLY real? Is He REALLY good and loving? Can He REALLY be trusted?" We have to stand firm and believe that God IS good; He IS the way, the truth, and the life. He IS the answer. We have access to the Answer! We can't let the enemy cause us to lack confidence in that because we have to believe it for ourselves to tell/encourage others and free them from what they are facing or dwelling in. Reading God's Word helps you in your stance against the enemy and aids you in fighting your own "doubting voice".

Verse: Ephesians 6:17 NLT

“Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”


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Shoo Fear!